Saturday, 22 August 2009

Art of Photography: Project 4

For project 4 and 5 I went to the local athletics ground and got permission to take some images of people practicing the long jump and triple jump.

For project 4 I set up the camera on a tripod at the end of the running track. I found going to a public setting and asking permission to take photos of strangers quite daunting at first, but I soon forgot once I was set up. Unfortunately I didn't quite feel confident enough to start asking these strangers to move out of the way for the pictures or to move other distractions such as bags and bikes, so quite a few images were unusable or I have cropped to remove 'clutter' from the image.

The first image was taken at f/4.5, ISO-800, 92mm at 1/1250 sec. At this fast shutter speed everything is sharp.

f/4.5, 92mm, ISO-640 at 1/1000 sec. Again everything is sharp.

f/4, 92mm, ISO-500 at 1/800 sec. The jumper is still captured sharply.

f/4.5, 92mm, ISO-200 at 1/250 sec. Now the shutter speed is getting lower the moving subject has become slightly blurred but everything else in the image remains sharp.

f/4, 92mm, ISO-200 at 1/250 sec. Another image with a sharp background and blurred subject.

f/9, 86mm, ISO-200 at 1/60 sec. Now that the shutter speed has reached 1/60 sec the moving subject is significantly blurred.

f/10, 86mm, ISO-200 at 1/40 sec. At this shutter speed I think the moving subject is too blurred and starts to become hard to make out.

f/13, 86mm, ISO-200 at 1/25 sec. Similar to the last image this slow shutter speed almost makes the subject hard to see adequately.

Although I couldn't use all the images because of people entering the view, it was clear that the moving subjects stayed sharp until around 1/400-1/300 sec, after which the amount of blur desired can be controlled by using the different shutter speeds.

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