Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Art of Photography: Project 3

Similar to project 2, I had some experience with depth of field and it's use to isolate subjects or selectively choose which parts of an image to be in focus. However project 3 helped me to see just how it can be used and how much difference can be achieved between the largest and smallest apertures.

Project 3 also taught me a lot about the relation between aperture and shutter speed, and how to maintain the same exposure throughout different settings. Before this project I would probally have just used aperture priority mode to set different apertures, where as here it was the first time I have used the manual mode on the camera and set both aperture and speed myself. I learnt to decrease shutter speed whilst increasing aperture, using the same amount of stops on each to maintain the same exposure, and obviously the same in reverse.

The first set of three images shows the different depth of field I achieved on a group of wild flowers by changing the aperture (and shutter speed to maintain exposure). All images were taken at ISO-400 at 300mm.

The first image was taken at f/6.3, 1/400 sec, and shows a small depth of field as expected.

The second image was taken at f/14, 1/80 sec and the depth of field has increased.

The last image was taken at f/32, 1/15 sec and shows the largest depth of field.

I also took another set of images of a flower close up and the effect of changing the aperture can clearly be seen. All images were taken at ISO-400 at 300mm.

The first image was taken at f/32, 1/15 sec, and with a narrow aperture and large depth of field the flower can be lost amongst other aspects of the image.

With the second image taken at f/14 and 1/80 sec, the depth of field is narrower and the main flowers stand out more.

In the final image f/6.3 and 1/400 sec are used to give a small depth of field and make the main flower stand out from the background.

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