Thursday, 22 April 2010

Art of Photography: Project 22

After learning about points, horizontal and vertical lines, and diagonals, this project focused on curves. I learnt that curves have a sense of movement and direction similar to diagonals, and that they can convey smoothness and elegance.

As before it was much easier to find curves in man made objects, but I tried to avoid simple things and be a bit more creative. I ended up with two man made and two natural subjects.

I find it easy to see and understand the sense of movement provided by curves. In the image of the bridge the eye follows the curve over the bridge, and in the image of the truck there is a left to right or right to left movement following the structure of the truck.

For the first natural image I found an unusual tree which had curves going all the way up the trunk as if it had continuously twisted as it had grown. I found it hard to capture and provide as good an example of this as I would have liked, but the curves still convey the 'twisting' motion of the tree.

For the final image I tried hard to find something other than flowers which would have been an easy choice for curves. In the end I found this plant and was intrigued by the circular shape of the thorns, which were perfectly positioned and distanced to form a circle and also a star shape. I tried hard to capture it and show how perfect the shape was, choosing a wide aperture and focusing on the thorns to distinguish them from the rest of the plant, but in the end it probably didn't show curves as well as the other images.

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