For this project I found it quite difficult to find an unbroken horizon line. Actually it was quite difficult to find a horizon at all as everywhere is built up with houses, street lights, telephone poles, etc.
I really wanted to try and achieve the effect of having the horizon at the top of the picture to provide a real sense of depth. However I found this quite hard to do and realised it would be beneficial to be quite level with the scene or lower to the ground when photographing. I did however learn the idea's behind the technique and the project as a whole and beleive I can try this effect again in the future with more success.
I now know how the horizon can be placed at different points to change the focus and balance of the image, and believe that there is no 'best' way of placing the horizon, it all depends on what you are photographing and what you want from the image.
I also realised I really could do with an ND Grad filter for images like this as the sky is overexposed/washed out in most of them!
With the horizon towards the top of the frame, nearly all attention is on the forground and scenery.
Here the sky has slightly more prominance, whilst the focus is still on the forground.
With the horizon in the centre of the frame it really does cut the picture in half and is not a result that I like, in this instance at least.
As the horizon gets lower more prominance is given to the sky.
Again the sky is more prominant.
With a low horizon the sky is now the most prominant part of the image.
I had quite a few attempts at different horizons and I actually found in nearly all of them that I really like the images with a really low horizon and high viewpoint, as it seems like the sky is huge and imposing! I would like to get an ND Grad filter and try this properly with an interesting sky.
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